

Current Work Designation: Project Management Specialist at Ceratizit Group

Proud Indian Optimist Since: MAY 2019

Current role at Proud Indian: Optimist – Media

Can you tell us any two things that you like about Proud Indian?

The efforts put up by the optimists are getting transferred to the needy properly and the exact purpose is fulfilled every time. The teamwork between optimists encourages everyone to give their best.

Which was your most favorite event till now?

Daan Utsav 2019 (called Joy of Giving), was celebrated on oct 2-8: The event involved collection of food products from the givers and distribution amongst our community people.

How has your involvement with Proud Indian benefited you or your community in terms of increasing quality of life or satisfaction?

It's inspiring me to support my surroundings as much as possible in a way I am able to do in my day to day life.